Friday, April 20, 2007

The Lord Is In The Hiring (Anchor House Update #5)

It's been a couple of weeks since my last update, and I hope you are well. We've been pretty busy in the Feldbush household and I just haven't felt like writing when I've had the down time.

Now, I figure it's time I catch you up to speed on what's been going on with Anchor House. We've met twice and are getting ready for our third worship time tomorrow. Our times of worship, reflection on Scripture and fellowship have been wonderful.

Our numbers have been small, six at both gatherings and at first I felt kind of discouraged that more of the people I had invited hadn't shown up. But God sent some encouragement through my friend Bill who reminded me that numbers don't "mean a thingh...just that the LORD is in the hiring...
all that to say that when you're running a house church, you're likely to have to wrestle with such variedness..."

I like that phrase, "the LORD is in the hiring."

As a pastor, you start to determine your success based on the numbers of people who show up. I mean, look at the book of Acts. Thousands are converted at a time and God adds to their number constantly. And when, only a few show up, it must mean that I'm not successful.

But I've gotta remember "the LORD is in the hiring." I read that to mean God is the one drawing people to himself, and the people who come are the ones he wants there. My responsibility is to be faithful as a pastor and offer the Bread of Life to those who do come.

Growth will happen, but it's gonna take time and I need to learn patience. The church we find in the book of Acts didn't just spring up in the 10 days between Jesus' Ascension and Pentecost. There was 3 years of Jesus working day in and day out with the 12 Disciples. Yes, there were the crowds, but they were fickle, hanging on his every word one day and abandoning him the next (see John 6) So I guess I'm not in such bad company.

It will take time for the core group to develop and discover how to live in community together. And then when the growth does happen we'll be ready for it.

Jesus said that when even 2 or 3 gather in his name he is present, so I take comfort knowing that even though our numbers are low, Jesus has been with us and, really, what more can I ask for?

The LORD is in the hiring. Thanks, Bill, for that reminder.

And a great big thanks to everyone who has been praying for Anchor House these past weeks. I really appreciate it!

Peace In Christ

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